By: Ed Weaver | NTL Sports | February 12, 2023
Senior Hayne Webster and junior Caralyn Warner each medaled at Saturday's Williamsport Swim Coaches Invitational.
Webster took bronze in the 500 Freestyle (5:39.83) and Warner took bronze in the 100 Backstroke (1:10.44).
Overall, three PRs and three district times were recorded.
Webster also posted a 1:01.46 in the 100 Fly and Warner swam a 2:46.01 in the 200 IM.
Freshman Kristina Belz recorded a new PR with a 1:13.58 in the 100 Free and also swam 3:02.79 in the 200 IM. Junior Madison Robbins swam 28.05 in the 50 Free and 1:19.25 in the 100 Breast while freshman Makenna Robbins swam 1:01.02 in the 100 Free and set a new PR with a 2:13.87 in the 200 Free.
The team is back in the pool on Tuesday, February 14 at Williamsport.
Ed Weaver is the owner of Circle W Sports in Wellsboro, PA, is the Sports Director for The Home Page Network and the creator of and You can follow him on Twitter or friend him on Facebook.