Selinsgrove field hockey takes care of Milton

Selinsgrove field hockey takes care of Milton

By: Selinsgrove Athletics | NTL Sports | October 19, 2019

10 different Selinsgrove players scored in a 12-0 win over Milton to wrap up the regular season.

Emily Swineford had a natural hat trick to start the game. 

Olivia Lybarger, Rita Aucker, Katie Bucher, Jess Alba, Rachel Martin, Maddie Bucher, Kelly Wolfe, Sydney Schmouder and Olivia Reichley also all scored for the Seals (14-2).

Katie Bucher also had two assists. Lybarger, Maddie Bucher, Anna Gephart, Marley Showers, Hailey Bingaman and Alba also had assists.

Selinsgrove outshot the Black Panthers, 50-0. The Seals goalie trio of Mazzie Teats, Riley Batdorf and Lonna Temple didn't have to make a save in the shutout.


Selinsgrove 12, Milton 0

Sel-Emily Swineford, 24:30; Sel-Swineford (Olvia Lybarger), 23:04; Sel-Swineford (Katie Bucher), 20:40; Sel-Lybarger (Katie Bucher), 18:16; Sel-Rita Aucker (Maddie Bucher), 17:14; Sel-Katie Bucher (Anna Gephart), 14:41; Sel-Jess Alba (Marley Showers), 12:07; Sel-Rachel Martin (Hailey Bingaman), 10:10.

Second half

Sel-Maddie Bucher (penalty stroke), 27:11; Sel-Kelly Wolfe, 21:09; Sel-Sydney Schmouder (Alba), 14:10; Sel-Oliva Reichley, 11:52.

Shots: Sel, 50-0. Corners: Sel, 13-0. Saves: Milton (Larissa Shearer), 37. Selinsgrove (Mazzie Teats, Riley Batdorf and Lonna Temple), 0.

